NCDA Members Event & AGM
The event held in Leicester on Saturday 4th February saw 11 member firms and 1 invited ex member in attendance. All present agreed it was a very successful event, with great discussions and information sharing, however, it would be even more beneficial if more members attended.
Committee have already had a meeting post AGM and are working on some of the topics and areas discussed during and after the AGM. More updates to follow soon!
Thank you to our valued partner We Insure Extra who kindly attended the event.
The minutes of the formalities can be reviewed here.


NCDA Awards
After a considerable absence it was a great pleasure to reintroduce the NCDA Annual Awards at this years AGM and the committee felt a shorter list of awards was a good starting point for their return.
The Outstanding Contribution had a clear winner but after much debate runner up awards were awarded by the Chairman, David Brown.
New Member of the Year 2023 | Winchurch Transport |
Most Valued Member 2023 | Top Flight Couriers Ltd |
Outstanding Contribution Runners Up | Martin Reeves - The Courier Company Nationwide & Derwent Jaconelli - UDC Ltd |
Outstanding Contribution Overall Winner | Darren Walmsley - Top Flight Couriers |

Committee Meetings
Following the AGM it has been agreed that the first 15 minutes of each meeting will be open to any NCDA member.
Please note that meetings will take place on the first Wednesday of every month at 1645hrs and the Teams link will remain the same for all meetings.
To receive the diary email please email the NCDA Administrator or Click here to join the meeting.
Meeting ID: 385 848 791 477 Passcode: XciXNY

Terms & Conditions
Following the 2022 AGM members requested a generic set of Ts & Cs for all members of the NCDA.
This proved to be nigh on impossible based on the vast variety of business models within the membership, however, we are delighted to be able to offer members access to a guidance set of Ts & Cs. The use of these is limited to NCDA members, they should be ratified by your own insurers and verified by independent legal advice.
Code of Practice & Constitution
Updated versions of both of these documents have been added to the Members Dashboard. All members are politely reminded to adhere to the guidance in both documents at all times.
To view or download a copy of any of these please click here

Scheduled Runs? Do you have a regular run? Operating empty?
The NCDA Administrator is currently collating a list of regular runs that can be shared with the membership. This document can be accessed from the Members Dashboard and will be updated periodically.
If you have a run you would like include please provide the following information to the administrator.
Member Company | Vehicle Type | From Postcode | To Postcode | When/days | Phone | Point of Contact & Email |

Social Media & News
Do you have a social media presence? Any news you wish to share? The NCDA Committee are keen to raise the association profile within the membership but also externally. Please make sure you are following us and we will follow back.
Any news for the newsletter - anything you wish to share with members can be emailed in for inclusion to the administrator. Simply click here.
Care to share why you are a member? What do you think the benefits are for your business? What prompted you to join?
New members are often interested and we would love to share some stories?
On that note please welcome Same Day Parcel Express of Greater London to the membership. Steven is your point of contact and his details are on the NCDA website.